PRV Engineering recently became a rated supplier on the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Sustainability Index. This means PRV Engineering have demonstrated excellent sustainability in Economic, Environmental and Social terms.

The CIPS Sustainability Index gives a 360 view of the sustainability of a business and the Index allows for expedited relations between buyers and suppliers. Often similar questions will be asked of a buyer or supplier throughout the course of every deal, the answers to which may also be very similar. Recognition by the CIPS Sustainability Index assures both parties that the entity they’re dealing with is reputable and reliable.

How does the CIPS Sustainability Index work? Firstly the CIPS Sustainability Index ask sets of common questions to suppliers and analyses their answers to provide an independent score. Buyers also submit questions to the Suppliers such that the Suppliers are required to answer similar questions that are asked in different ways or with slightly different focuses. This exhaustive process requires suppliers to prove their credentials in multiple ways allowing for a multi-dimensional analysis of them.

The CIPS Sustainability Index is built from a solid body of academic research. Both it’s results and methodology are peer-reviewed. Within the framework industry experts and mentors work to ensure proper clustering and targeting of data. The platform provided by the Index also allows for tailored analytics for Buyers and Suppliers, with industry specific functionality.

PRV Engineering scored well above the required grade to become rated in each category with Economic Sustainability being a highlight, a hugely impressive 97%.

PRV Engineering have also recently completed the Costain Supply Chain Academy. This invite only Academy ensures that all companies within their supply chain maintain the highest possible standards. Covering a wide range of areas including Leadership & Management, Business Development and Equality & Diversity.

These two achievements following in quick succession of one another truly showcase PRV Engineering’s continuing commitment to excellence in all aspects of their business. PRV Engineering continue to strive to attain every relevant and valuable certification available to them. With recognition and accreditation from dozens of outside sources PRV Engineering demonstrate their industry leadership.

PRV Engineering accreditation bar


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